Junior and Senior infants online class resources

Teaching very young learners online

It is hard to believe that one year on we are still in the midst of yet another lockdown. Even though, our primary aged kidz are back at school on a day to day basis, after school activities are still on hold, or where possible online. As humans were are amazingly resilient and more than ever […]


Can you help Rex find his zapatos?

Hola chicos, Rex has lost his zapatos. Can you help him find them? Look at the picture and how many shoes you can see. How many zapatos negros can you see? How many zapatos marrones can you see? How many zapatos naranjas can you see? How many zapatos rosas can you see? How many zapatos […]


Infants Term 3 week 4 Online lesson – la rutina diaria

Hi all, This week we starting talking about la rutina diaria. The kidz talked about their morning routine and learn the vocabulary and verbs they needed. La rutina diaria We also played two games – a quiz with Boom Cards – link  – https://boom.cards/fastplay/hhsu (PIN: hhsu) and a memory game on www.bookwidgets.com – link – https://www.bookwidgets.com/play/C7BFC2 (Short […]


Infants Term 3 week 2 online lessons – Más comida – las verduras

Hi all, This week we continued to look at la comida  and expand our range of vocabulary. We added: Verduras: like cebolla, zanahoria y coliflor, Carne y pescado, y  the all important helado. Here are the class slides. la comida We also played a memory game using www.bookwidgets.com. I have reduced the number of slides in the […]


Infants Term 3 week 1 Online lessons – La comida – receta de panqueques

Hi all, Today we were learning more about food. The kidz learned how to describe the ingredientes y cantidades  to make panqueques. receta Then we played a cooking game from www.nourishinteractive.com – cocinado con solus. http://es.nourishinteractive.com/kids/healthy-games/11-cocinando-con-solus www.nourishinteractive.com is a nutrition based website with lots of resources to encourage healthy eating, the resources are in English […]


Zoom español infants # 4 Más frutas y los colores

Hi all, Today the kidz were continuing to learn the names of las frutas en español. The played a game on Kahoot.com (link below available until 19th May 2020). The game was a little chaotic but lots of fun. Las frutas game  We also revised colours and associated colours with las frutas answering the question […]


Zoom español infants # 3 Las frutas

Hola a todos, Today we worked on Las frutas. The kidz were amazing and all learned how to name common fruits en español and describe which they like and which they do not like. Then they drew pictures of the fruits they liked. I´m so proud of all the kidz, but especially the junior and senior […]


Zoom español infants # 2 las partes del cuerpo y adjetivos – monstruos

Hi all, Today we were building on what the kids did last week. Consolidating body parts for descriptions and introducing new vocabulary, new nouns: dientes -teeth pelo – hair antena – antenna and new adjectives: grande  – big pequeño/a –  small largo/a – long corto/a – short Here is the presentation link. If any of the […]


Zoom español infants #1 – las partes del cuerpo

Hi all, I hope the kids enjoyed today’s class. Here is the presentation to the vocabulary and pictures of monsters. Body parts presentation I’ve also added the link to the song. Have a lovely afternoon,


la fecha – The date

Hola a todos, Hope you are all doing well. Moving on from the days of the week to the months of the year, seasons and the date. This is good for all ages. Below I’ve attached some colour sheets for younger learners and activity sheets for older/stronger learners. Colouring sheets diciembre writing- Seasons slide show […]


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