
Teaching very young learners online

It is hard to believe that one year on we are still in the midst of yet another lockdown. Even though, our primary aged kidz are back at school on a day to day basis, after school activities are still on hold, or where possible online. As humans were are amazingly resilient and more than ever […]


Feliz año nuevo – Back with a colourful bang

¡Feliz 2020 a todos! All our classes started back this week and teachers and students alike a full of beans and have muchas ganas to get the new year off to a good start. The first week back is always a good time to a bit of revision. It helps boosts the kids´confidence by reminding […]


Classes and timetables

We are currently running classes in St. Joseph’s boys National School, Mardyke, Cork and St. Catherine’s girls National School, Bishopstown Ave, Cork. See timetables below. If you are interested in starting Spanish classes in yours school please contact us via the blog or on kidzlingo@gmail.com. St. Joseph’s boys National School Monday:         […]


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