Hello! ¡Hola! Olá! Bonjour!

Welcome to Kidzlingo! I decided to set up this blog to provide a space where language students and teachers alike can find ideas and tips for learning and teaching languages.

I have been a language teacher for over twenty years and more recently worked as a teacher trainer and director of studies. I teach English, Spanish and Portuguese. Throughout my experience, I have had and have listened to plenty of questions about teaching and learning languages.

For students learning a new language can be a tricky business regardless of which language they are learning or their mother tongue. Equally teaching language can be challenging. Depending on the age group being taught the challenges can come not only from the target language but also from classroom management.


With this blog I aim to provide ideas and tips for teachers on how to deal with the challenges of classroom management, discipline but also ideas how to make your classes fun and engaging.


For language learners I aim to offer ideas, tips and advice which can help make your language learning experience easier as well as games and activities which will make it fun.


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